Sunday, May 13, 2012

The past year

    Over the past year little man's and my worlds have been shaken up a lot, But now it seems to be settling out even in the face of moving again. 

   In the Last year Little man's personality has really bloomed. My little social bug enjoys being around people and making new friends. He loves going to the zoo, running around at the park, driving me crazy, helping me clean the house ( and making it a mess).  He as gotten to spend lots of time with My family here in AZ and he loves them all. I can see my brother in him when My brother was this age (lord help me).  I can't believe how well he speaks and amazed at how he sees the world. He makes me so proud and I love him to death. He is growing to be a great little man and I hope to keep helping guide him to stay that way.

Now as for me, I am still working on me but have learned a lot about my self  and the people I can truly count on. I still have ups and downs but not has bad as before I went to the VA and let them help me. I am finally getting help I need between meds and Soon PTSD treatments. If it wasn't for the VA helping us get into a transition housing who know where we would be right now. I have wonderful Family and friends cheering me on. Yes things have not gone as plan but I still have my goal of a Fed job one day and so i will keep working to that goal. 

I have days where i hate being alone and by myself with no other adults to talk to but I am getting use to it. Yes I talk to much when i meet new people but It is out of nerves and i am trying to work on it.  But I Am a very strong, hard working, fun loving, love to learn and caring person. I have learned I don't need a guy to be happy, but would like to go on a date. I have become a sales person for Scentsy and trying to do my best at it to give us a better life. I can see a whole new future for us. A man may never be apart of our lives again but we are happy with it just being us. I am also just fine with him being my only child, for he was a blessing and true miracle for me. 

Thank you so much to all who have helped us over the last year it has not been easy but  I am grateful for you all =)